Finally ready to begin their journey through the outlands, Hathel, Talzaria, Enihx, and Thruck headed to the giant horse statue, and were teleported to the outlands. They arrived in a colorful forest, and found giant holes in the ground arranged like footprints. After some time deciding where to go and several minutes of drawing diagrams, the group followed the massive footprints, leading them to a castle. The first floor was empty, but upstairs were multiple fiends that weren’t very friendly. After taking them out, the group continued to climb the castle, finding an old woman hiding on the floor above. She was very nervous, and surprised they could kill the fiends below. She ran away after being interrogated by Hathel and Enihx, making her seem very suspicious. At the very top of the castle, a Githzerai woman named Zaythir was tied up. She told the party that this building was called Iedcaru, and it is a walking castle. The Fiends led by an Incubus disguised as an old woman attacked and took over the castle. Zaythir said she will let the party use the castle to travel the outlands as thanks for saving her. She then revealed a Castellan that shows a map of the outlands. Now with a new mode of transportation the group is headed to Semuanya’s Bog.