Continuing their exploration of Sigil, Hathel, Talzaria, Enihx, and Thruck made their way to the Barracks in hopes of finding one of the Lady of Pain’s guards. Instead, they met some soldiers of the Harmonium, who offered the group to join them. They said they would consider the offer, but that probably won’t happen. They continued through the city, heavily considering gambling at the Fortune’s Wheel but ultimately decided they probably only take money, and they don’t have alot of that. Finally the party found one of the Lady of Pain’s guards, called a Dabus, near the Institute for Intellectual Excellence. After some difficulty communicating with it, the Dabus realized who they were, and brought them to an alley where they could finally meet the Lady of Pain. She explained that the four of them were brought here because of our experience with the lich Acererak, and that we have been assembled to fight against him once more. In order to stop him, the group must learn the location of the world called Moil, also Hathel’s homeworld. To find this hidden land, they must descend into the abyss, and negotiate with the demon prince Orcus to tell them where it is. Before letting them leave, the Lady cured the group of their curse, restoring them to their full power. The party set off to gear up for their journey through the outlands by acquiring some intel on the Abyss, getting some extra money from rich people, and buying very necessary and important gear.