Hathel, Talzaria, Enihx, and Thruck all awaken in a dank viscera-filled room with faint memories of getting pulled through a portal right before being consumed by some evil machine. They address the floating skull in the room, Morte, who explains that they had been dead for some time now. In disbelief, the group tries to find a way out of this place, accidentally running into deranged and dangerous creatures along the way. They met a demilich named Thaeziagnuz who was surprised to see them walking about. They told us that we have been dead for over a hundred years, and we were no longer on Prime (Toril). Upon leaving the Mortuary, the group met a goat-centaur (baurier wanderer) that they paid to guide them (tout) through the city of Sigil, a massive ring city containing all sorts of creatures from across the outer planes. Determined to find a way back home, they set out to find the Hall of Information to find out how they could get back to prime. Their guide brought them to the Ubiquitous Wayfarer, a tavern with portals leading all over sigil. At the Hall of Information, they learned that there is no way to access prime from the city, and it was likely that the Lady of Pain was the one who portaled the group to Sigil. With a new lead on how to return home, the party began exploring the city while looking for the Lady of Pain’s guards. They stopped at the Bottle and Jug to try and get Ehnix drunk, passed through the Gatehouse Night Market, and Hathel brought the party to the Heart’s Fire in hopes to reconnect with his god.
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