Hathel was born into the city of Moil.
Reborn in radiant light, Hathel’s body was restored once more, but this time with a terrible price—he bore the scars of his undeath and a lingering connection to Acererak’s magic. His life was no longer fully his own, a tenuous balance between the light of Lathander and the shadow of Acererak’s curse.
Acererak struck him down a second time, obliterating his body with a cruel finality to ever walk the fugue plane.
By divine intervention yet again, Hathel was brought back to life. But not by the Morninglord, but rather the Lady of Pain sending him on a quest to end Acererak once and for all. This was it, his last chance to bring the lich that haunted his dreams down, it has all led to this.
The details of this backstory are a bit hazy even now, but will be expanded upon during the game.
The details of this backstory are a bit hazy even now, but will be expanded upon during the game.

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