Enihx was born among the sea elves off the storm-wracked coast of Shilku, a ruined port town on the western edge of Chult. His clan, the Newseatown, thrived in the turbulent waters where storms were a constant threat. Enihx was the child of sorcerers imbued with the crackling energy of thunder and lightning, his very presence a reflection of the chaotic sea.
As he grew, Enihx became a defender of his clan, wielding his sorcery to repel predators and pirates. However, his connection to the storm was as much a curse as it was a blessing—it marked him for greater, darker forces lurking beneath the waves.
In his 180th year, Enihx’s life took a tragic turn. While investigating unnatural currents pulling ships toward the depths, he and his companions could hear the sounds of the Symphony of Madness as Xxiphu crested the horizon. Their minds were overwhelmed by its psionic power, and Enihx was pulled towards the enthralling sounds where they entered the storm into the city’s reach.
For weeks—months?—Enihx endured the aboleth's Symphony of Madness, a discordant, mind-shattering telepathic chorus channeled through Xxiphu, the Sovereignty’s floating city. His memories of home, his faith, and his sense of self were unmade. The aboleths suffused his body with the Spellplague, transforming him into a plaguechanged foulspawn—a twisted fusion of elf and aberrant being. His once-pristine sea elven form was replaced by mottled, tentacled form, and his voice became an eerie echo of storm and madness.
Enihx's allegiance was forcibly rewritten to the Abolethic Sovereignty. His mind burned with an alien purpose, and his once-free will was submerged beneath layers of psionic control.
The Sovereignty, always seeking to extend its dominion, turned its attention to Omu, the lost city of Chult. Deep within the Tomb of the Nine Gods, an ancient aboleth named G'lyh'rul, who had defied the Sovereignty in its own mad pursuit of power, lay imprisoned after its failure to dominate the Yuan-ti of Chult. The Sovereignty ordered Enihx, one of their plaguechanged agents, to infiltrate the tomb, recover G'lyh'rul's soul, and return it to Xxiphu for reconditioning.
The journey to the tomb was both a test of loyalty and a punishment for Enihx. Within the depths of the tomb, Enihx confronted aberrant traps, undead horrors, and the remnants of the fallen Omuans' cursed deities. He died of starvation within the walls of the Tomb of the Nine Gods. When he died, his soul was pulled across a conveyor belt where all he saw was the green devil face that would haunt his dreams. However, right before his annihilation he was pulled and woke up several centuries later.

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